I have enjoyed reading the articles in The Digital Divide, they were interesting and entertaining. The four articles I chose to summarize for this assignment were; Nomadicity by Todd Gitlin, Web Squared by Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle, A Dream Come True by Lee Siegel, and The End of Solitude by William Deresiewicz. Each writer provides an original, thought-provoking idea of how technology has and will affect society as we know it.
I did not right away really get the message behind Nomadicity, but after reading it a second time, I understood the point in this article. Nomadicity is the tendency of a person, or group of people, to move with relative frequency and the phrase was coined by a man named Leonard Kleinrock in reference to the need for mobile devices, especially supporting the internet, for people constantly on the move. Todd Gitlin points out the freedom people feel when they have products that allow for mobility, products that are miniaturized or portable. These items are seen to boost societies ability to be self-sufficient. The article talks about the evolution of such products like the mountaineer's backpack to the terrible, yet convenient fanny pack. Also including portable sustenance such as Hershey bar's, the ice-cream cone, or the water bottle. He focuses a lot on the Walkman, and the power being able to listen to music anytime can help you to tune out reality, like being in a "mobile bubble." When this article was written, cell phones were in full force, but mobile broadband and internet access from your cell phone, IPads, IPods, ect. had yet to be introduced. But the article does point out some of the disadvantages of this new found portable freedom. One point the author makes is that most of the time we use these portable electronics for pointless, trivial, and trite purposes. I went without a cell-phone for many years because I felt like it was an electronic leash and this is pointed out in this article as well, that having a cell phone means you can be bothered at anytime by anyone. Also phones and other electronic devices can intrude on other's space and privacy, such as a cell phone ringing during a class, the theater, or a concert. I liked the point that the was made, "we are seeking distractions from distractions," and the final quote, "Where do all these highways go now that we are free?" I would love to read this same article revised with all the technological advances that have been made since it was written.
The article written by Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle, Web Squared, explains the miraculous changes and improvements that the internet has accomplished in a relatively short time and how Web 2.0 could evolve into a way to uncover solutions to the world's more urgent dilemma's if we use the power of the web and take it to another level. This piece describes the web as beginning the same way a baby does, learning and adjusting according to experiences and environment and that the web is now growing up and can do some very impressing things. It talks about collective intelligence which wikipedia, one such source of collective intelligence, defines as shared or group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision making in bacteria, animals, and computer networks, This article describes the web as a source for "crowd-sourcing," and claims that it's value far surpasses the contribution of any one individual's submission. They believe that the web and it's applications are getting smarter and that it is just the beginning. Websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube, Amazon, and Craigslist have created all new uses and advantages of the internet. Businesses can profit from the internet as well if utilized correctly. This article tells us how the web learns from inferences from a "body of data." Also discussed is the Iphone and other mobile internet devices as well as the use of GPS, it is pretty amazing that our phone can track our movements, tell us what is around us, and direct us where to go. This passage basically describes the unbelievable progress the internet has experienced and the promise of even more wonders to come.
The next writer, Lee Seigel, has a very different view of Web 2.0 and the internet and actually mentions statements written by Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle. The article titled, A Dream Come True, brings to the surface some of the uglier truths about the almighty internet. He specifically attacks the whole idea behind web 2.0 and the idea that promoters applaud it with the hyperbole, "democracy." I thoroughly enjoyed his description of the robotic, automatic style of writing found on the net, Internetese. He used this word while referencing an excerpt from an article written by an advocate of Internet freedom in the matter of copyright law. That same writer, Seigel accuses of confusing the real meaning of democracy with his version, "control through reasoned discourse." Several sites used for attacking people anonymously are brought up along with reminding us that anyone, literally anyone can update or add to a Wikipedia definition. Another website, Assignment Zero, where anyone can file an investigative news article which can be used to slander or attack someone without any proof, or layers of scrutiny, to stop you from saying whatever you want. This article is the opposing view to the aforementioned article, Web Based, and as much as I enjoy my computer and the guilty pleasures it makes so easy to access, I have to agree with this author before I buy into all the "goodness," this smarter internet is going to bring to the world.
The last article I chose was The End of Solitude, and I think it may have been my favorite from this section. This writer is accusing technology of being the killer of solitude. He states that really we are doing it to ourselves, so it is not actually technologies fault per se because we are really doing it to ourselves, but it may be the availability of such things that have created this need to eliminate "alone time," all together. My 12 year old is always talking on the phone, texting someone, playing online, or hanging out with a friend and doing similar activities. This writer states that he asked his students how they felt about being alone and one said they were so afraid of it that they would sit with a friend even if they had work due, another exclaimed, "why would anyone want to be alone?" Solitude is not a bad thing, on the contrary it is actually a very beneficial thing, maybe not all the time, but it can not be healthy to never have it. My favorite quote was at the very end, "those who would find solitude must not be afraid to stand alone." If I never had time to myself, I would lose my mind.... literally!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Popular Culture, It's not all good, where do we draw the line?
Pop culture is described as commercial culture based on popular tastes. The problem is, pop culture has become more and more adventurous and some would even say precarious, as the line between what is too risky for television and movies becomes increasingly blurred. Two other forms of pop culture, music and video games, are becoming problematic as well for reasons that correlate with the harmful effects television and movies have the potential to cause. There are many different types of content found in these popular outlets that are questionable, especially for young children and teenagers. I intend to touch on specific subject matter that I feel is likely already creating unwanted attitudes and mannerisms, but is plausibly going to cause irreparable, long-term, adverse consequences.
Violence is found in just about anyway in which media is manifested. Television includes not only violence performed by professionals, but there is a new type of program that is all the rage, reality television. When watching an action movie with lots of violence and brutality, I think at least for adults, we are able to recognize the fact that this is staged fighting and only contains portrayed disorder. Reality television, however, often shows untrained actors or actresses, or everyday people, duking it out, destroying property, or verbally bashing someone else all to the cheers and delight of the often faithful viewers. These people often appear ignorant, reckless, and with a blatant disregard for the law or any type of authorities. I would say that our youth would only benefit without seeing erratic, thoughtless, vagrants whose only goal is to put on a good show. Music can be a wonderful, literary work that can provide a type of therapy for many people. However, violence in popular music is a quickly growing trend, possibly to keep up with the consumer's demand for this type of song writing. Radio stations edit most curse words and some inappropriate lyrics, but there are still plenty of controversial topics that are left untouched. Video games, I feel, are the primary channel for any and all type of violence and bloodshed to take over the T.V. screen. The fact is, violence has become so common and accepted, that parents will often let their children play games if violence and gore are the only aspects of the game that contain a warning.
www.ocd.pitt.edu/Files/PDF/Parenting/TvAndMovieViolence.pdf is a website published by The University of Pittsburg listing ways and reasons why violence in T.V. and movies can be harmful to children. This website from ABC news, http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/reality-tv-show-violence-real-life-consequences-teen/story?id=13256971#.UJ0Fr8XA9mc, shows how reality show violence can cause real aggressive behaviors in teens and young adults. Science daily.com posted this article, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/05/030505084039.htm, to warn parents regarding the aggressive thoughts and hostile feelings violent lyrics in music can elicit in teenagers and young adults. This article, http://www.ithp.org/articles/violentvideogames.html, gives a very informational and thorough break-down of the negative impact that violent video games can have on almost anyone. This article also gives three good reasons why violent video games have an even greater influence on behavior than movies or television do combined. This website, http://www.lionlamb.org/media_violence.htm, gives an all-inclusive look at violence in the media, including all the previously addressed forms. Check out the video about media violence
The next alarming feature of pop culture can not be described as one specific act. Most avenues of media produce offensive, insulting, and shocking elements for the sake of entertainment. Television programs like Family Guy, Futurama, and South Park have incredibly aberrant and distasteful humor and all three are cartoons. Some adults do like cartoons as well, but these are shows that kids should never watch, yet they are drawn to them because they are cartoons and feature characters that kids would enjoy, even if they don't understand all of the adult themes. Movies such as The Hangover, Jay and Silent Bob, 30 Year Old Virgin, or Kids have some very weighty scenes, some of which may possibly be too much for even an adult making sex, drugs, and outrageous behavior seem cool and attractive. Tosh.0, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Workaholics use terribly offensive, disturbing, and disgusting spectacles for their loyal fans to enjoy. Music, especially genres like hard rock, metal, and rap have some pretty crooked lyrics, some encouraging drugs and alcohol, death and destruction, sex and violence, or dark and depressing messages. In the media of today; stereotypical jokes, woman treated as objects or as if inferior, racial slurs, homophobia, and mocking or ridiculing one's appearance is popular, accepted and widespread.
This article in the Oxford Journal, http://alcalc.oxfordjournals.org/content/44/3/229.full, addresses the effects of alcohol advertising and media exposure in adolescents. http://www.ehow.com/about_5304830_psychophysical-effects-music.html, looks at some of the psychological and physical impacts of different genres of music. This blog on yahoo voices discusses some of the prejudices and discrimination found in the media, http://voices.yahoo.com/bias-media-racism-sexism-homophobia-553712.html. The above video's are some examples of the programs I mentioned that some may feel cross the line.
The last aspect of popular culture I would like to address that I think is harmful to people is the portrayal of sex and body image in media. Sex and sexuality is no longer kept in the bedroom and lacks censorship in a lot of ways. Sexual innuendo can be found in most programs, even the more innocent seeming sitcoms or movies. Every genre of music has songs that get down right dirty, often singing in detail what they want to do, intend to do, or what they are doing. Advertisements also try to sell products using sex and sexuality. The problem with most of the people we see in advertisements is that they are not "real." Computers take a regular person, and make them flawless. In fashion and runways, you see women who are very thin and tall and men have the ideal build as well. This idea of beauty is doing a great job of making young girls feel inadequate and can help lead to eating disorders and body image disturbances. It just seems that nothing is sacred anymore, sex is no longer something done between two people who love each other, and the media now defines what is and is not attractive.
There is so many articles and blogs addressing these issues so I will list just a few that I felt had a powerful message. http://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/book/excerpt.asp?id=2, this article talks about the lies media tells us about our bodies. http://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/29049/InTech-Westernization_the_role_of_mass_media_on_body_image_and_eating_disorders.pdf, this report shows the prevalence of eating disorders related to the media's portrayal of the ideal body type. CBS posted this article claiming that media may be prompting teen sex, http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-500368_162-1464262.html.CNN posted an excellent report addressing both body image and sex promotion in the media, check it out at http://articles.cnn.com/2012-03-09/living/living_beauty-media-miss-representation_1_social-media-natural-beauty-jennifer-siebel-newsom?_s=PM:LIVING.
The bottom line is that the media is a powerful thing and can influence people without them even realizing it. Recognizing what is the truth and where it is distorted is the first step to stopping the media from ruling your mind or your emotions. Stay true to yourself, and don't let your kids watch, listen, or read things that could influence them in a negative way. We can beat the media, we just need to know where to draw the line.
Violence is found in just about anyway in which media is manifested. Television includes not only violence performed by professionals, but there is a new type of program that is all the rage, reality television. When watching an action movie with lots of violence and brutality, I think at least for adults, we are able to recognize the fact that this is staged fighting and only contains portrayed disorder. Reality television, however, often shows untrained actors or actresses, or everyday people, duking it out, destroying property, or verbally bashing someone else all to the cheers and delight of the often faithful viewers. These people often appear ignorant, reckless, and with a blatant disregard for the law or any type of authorities. I would say that our youth would only benefit without seeing erratic, thoughtless, vagrants whose only goal is to put on a good show. Music can be a wonderful, literary work that can provide a type of therapy for many people. However, violence in popular music is a quickly growing trend, possibly to keep up with the consumer's demand for this type of song writing. Radio stations edit most curse words and some inappropriate lyrics, but there are still plenty of controversial topics that are left untouched. Video games, I feel, are the primary channel for any and all type of violence and bloodshed to take over the T.V. screen. The fact is, violence has become so common and accepted, that parents will often let their children play games if violence and gore are the only aspects of the game that contain a warning.
The next alarming feature of pop culture can not be described as one specific act. Most avenues of media produce offensive, insulting, and shocking elements for the sake of entertainment. Television programs like Family Guy, Futurama, and South Park have incredibly aberrant and distasteful humor and all three are cartoons. Some adults do like cartoons as well, but these are shows that kids should never watch, yet they are drawn to them because they are cartoons and feature characters that kids would enjoy, even if they don't understand all of the adult themes. Movies such as The Hangover, Jay and Silent Bob, 30 Year Old Virgin, or Kids have some very weighty scenes, some of which may possibly be too much for even an adult making sex, drugs, and outrageous behavior seem cool and attractive. Tosh.0, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Workaholics use terribly offensive, disturbing, and disgusting spectacles for their loyal fans to enjoy. Music, especially genres like hard rock, metal, and rap have some pretty crooked lyrics, some encouraging drugs and alcohol, death and destruction, sex and violence, or dark and depressing messages. In the media of today; stereotypical jokes, woman treated as objects or as if inferior, racial slurs, homophobia, and mocking or ridiculing one's appearance is popular, accepted and widespread.
The last aspect of popular culture I would like to address that I think is harmful to people is the portrayal of sex and body image in media. Sex and sexuality is no longer kept in the bedroom and lacks censorship in a lot of ways. Sexual innuendo can be found in most programs, even the more innocent seeming sitcoms or movies. Every genre of music has songs that get down right dirty, often singing in detail what they want to do, intend to do, or what they are doing. Advertisements also try to sell products using sex and sexuality. The problem with most of the people we see in advertisements is that they are not "real." Computers take a regular person, and make them flawless. In fashion and runways, you see women who are very thin and tall and men have the ideal build as well. This idea of beauty is doing a great job of making young girls feel inadequate and can help lead to eating disorders and body image disturbances. It just seems that nothing is sacred anymore, sex is no longer something done between two people who love each other, and the media now defines what is and is not attractive.
The bottom line is that the media is a powerful thing and can influence people without them even realizing it. Recognizing what is the truth and where it is distorted is the first step to stopping the media from ruling your mind or your emotions. Stay true to yourself, and don't let your kids watch, listen, or read things that could influence them in a negative way. We can beat the media, we just need to know where to draw the line.
Monday, November 5, 2012
My New Nurse Tweeps!
I added three new members to my all important twitter page. I don't use twitter often, but after making the decision to conquer this quest, I may be using it more often. I am currently enrolled in school to further my education in the nursing profession. I have been a licensed practical nurse since 2002, and I am finally getting the opportunity to gain the knowledge necessary to make advancements in my occupation.. The twitter pages I chose to follow were; Registered Nurses(@RNguide), ADVANCEforNurses(@AdvanceNurses), and Nurses Association(@ANANursingWorld). Each page provides different resources and information that will be useful to me in the workplace. I intend to describe the content of each page and why I feel it will be beneficial for me to follow them.
Registered Nurses use their twitter page as a meeting spot for nurses as well as a means to provide information on available jobs and educational offers for their interested followers. One feature that encouraged me to add this page is that it offers links to websites and tips to help nurses obtain free CEU's. CEUs, or continuing education credits, are important to all nurses because we are required to complete the required amount of continuing education credits in order to renew our license . Nurses are responsible for learning and keeping track of new technologies, diseases, and proper techniques for implementing treatments and procedures within our scope of practice. New medications come out all the time as well as the development of side effects not previously documented or recognized. This page has over five thousand followers and really does provide a place to meet other individuals that share your profession as well as recruiters looking to hire for various positions. The last important aspect for me was that it reminds nurses of their need to renew their license, which can save time and a whole lot of unneeded hassle. The website associated with this twitter group is http://RNguide.com.
Advance for Nurses is the twitter link for a very informational website,· http://nursing.advanceweb.com/ . This website has resources for all fields and specialties for every nurse in the healthcare profession. It has articles on new research and developments, includes both national and regional news pertaining to health care, provides new audio and video every couple days on different relative topics, lists events and photos of nurses, gives a rundown of how politics affect health care, and even has surveys and contests for the members of this nursing community. That is just a few of the awesome things included in this website. The tweets that come from this page hit on different aspects of nursing, providing links to new publications on nursing laws and regulations, ways to continue your education, grants available for nurses, new ways to treat prevalent diseases, new medications, recalls and dangerous drugs, opportunities for CEU's, job placement, a quote of the day, and even a nurse's pet gallery. This page will help me keep up with current issues and find out about new treatment options or alternatives that are being implemented. It may even be able to help me find a job after I finish school. This twitter page is loaded full of credible resources and information that will keep me informed and knowledgeable, therefore helping me perform to the best of my abilities.
The final tweep I hooked up with is Nurses Association, whose tweets come from The American Nurses Association which is a national, professional organization that represents all registered nurses in the United States. This very important association has over ten thousand followers on twitter, and I'm sure an abundant amount of followers of their website,http://nursingworld.org/joinana.aspx . The ANA serves the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, helping to protect and promote the rights of nurses in the workplace, presenting nurses with a positive, clear, and realistic picture of what nursing entails, and by lobbying Congress and other regulatory agencies regarding health care issues that affect nurses as well as the general public. The information found on this twitter page is always going to be accurate and can provide links to find out about new laws, regulations, and expected standards of practice. Nurses are only human and therefore they make mistakes just like everyone else. However, if a nurse makes a mistake that causes harm to a patient or the possibility for harm, nurses can not only have their license suspended, restricted, or revoked but may also face legal charges as well. Knowing how to do your job according to the standards set forth by the Nurse Practice Act and the Board of Nursing is the best way to protect yourself from audits,lawsuits or even jail. This is probably the most valuable tweep I added and will use this tool to keep up on relevant topics associated with my career choice! !Tweets from @sealpn83/nursing-tweeps ">Tweeps
Registered Nurses use their twitter page as a meeting spot for nurses as well as a means to provide information on available jobs and educational offers for their interested followers. One feature that encouraged me to add this page is that it offers links to websites and tips to help nurses obtain free CEU's. CEUs, or continuing education credits, are important to all nurses because we are required to complete the required amount of continuing education credits in order to renew our license . Nurses are responsible for learning and keeping track of new technologies, diseases, and proper techniques for implementing treatments and procedures within our scope of practice. New medications come out all the time as well as the development of side effects not previously documented or recognized. This page has over five thousand followers and really does provide a place to meet other individuals that share your profession as well as recruiters looking to hire for various positions. The last important aspect for me was that it reminds nurses of their need to renew their license, which can save time and a whole lot of unneeded hassle. The website associated with this twitter group is http://RNguide.com.
Advance for Nurses is the twitter link for a very informational website,· http://nursing.advanceweb.com/ . This website has resources for all fields and specialties for every nurse in the healthcare profession. It has articles on new research and developments, includes both national and regional news pertaining to health care, provides new audio and video every couple days on different relative topics, lists events and photos of nurses, gives a rundown of how politics affect health care, and even has surveys and contests for the members of this nursing community. That is just a few of the awesome things included in this website. The tweets that come from this page hit on different aspects of nursing, providing links to new publications on nursing laws and regulations, ways to continue your education, grants available for nurses, new ways to treat prevalent diseases, new medications, recalls and dangerous drugs, opportunities for CEU's, job placement, a quote of the day, and even a nurse's pet gallery. This page will help me keep up with current issues and find out about new treatment options or alternatives that are being implemented. It may even be able to help me find a job after I finish school. This twitter page is loaded full of credible resources and information that will keep me informed and knowledgeable, therefore helping me perform to the best of my abilities.
The final tweep I hooked up with is Nurses Association, whose tweets come from The American Nurses Association which is a national, professional organization that represents all registered nurses in the United States. This very important association has over ten thousand followers on twitter, and I'm sure an abundant amount of followers of their website,http://nursingworld.org/joinana.aspx . The ANA serves the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, helping to protect and promote the rights of nurses in the workplace, presenting nurses with a positive, clear, and realistic picture of what nursing entails, and by lobbying Congress and other regulatory agencies regarding health care issues that affect nurses as well as the general public. The information found on this twitter page is always going to be accurate and can provide links to find out about new laws, regulations, and expected standards of practice. Nurses are only human and therefore they make mistakes just like everyone else. However, if a nurse makes a mistake that causes harm to a patient or the possibility for harm, nurses can not only have their license suspended, restricted, or revoked but may also face legal charges as well. Knowing how to do your job according to the standards set forth by the Nurse Practice Act and the Board of Nursing is the best way to protect yourself from audits,lawsuits or even jail. This is probably the most valuable tweep I added and will use this tool to keep up on relevant topics associated with my career choice! !Tweets from @sealpn83/nursing-tweeps ">Tweeps
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