I added three new members to my all important twitter page. I don't use twitter often, but after making the decision to conquer this quest, I may be using it more often. I am currently enrolled in school to further my education in the nursing profession. I have been a licensed practical nurse since 2002, and I am finally getting the opportunity to gain the knowledge necessary to make advancements in my occupation.. The twitter pages I chose to follow were; Registered Nurses(@RNguide), ADVANCEforNurses(@AdvanceNurses), and Nurses Association(@ANANursingWorld). Each page provides different resources and information that will be useful to me in the workplace. I intend to describe the content of each page and why I feel it will be beneficial for me to follow them.
Registered Nurses use their twitter page as a meeting spot for nurses as well as a means to provide information on available jobs and educational offers for their interested followers. One feature that encouraged me to add this page is that it offers links to websites and tips to help nurses obtain free CEU's. CEUs, or continuing education credits, are important to all nurses because we are required to complete the required amount of continuing education credits in order to renew our license . Nurses are responsible for learning and keeping track of new technologies, diseases, and proper techniques for implementing treatments and procedures within our scope of practice. New medications come out all the time as well as the development of side effects not previously documented or recognized. This page has over five thousand followers and really does provide a place to meet other individuals that share your profession as well as recruiters looking to hire for various positions. The last important aspect for me was that it reminds nurses of their need to renew their license, which can save time and a whole lot of unneeded hassle. The website associated with this twitter group is http://RNguide.com.
Advance for Nurses is the twitter link for a very informational website,· http://nursing.advanceweb.com/ . This website has resources for all fields and specialties for every nurse in the healthcare profession. It has articles on new research and developments, includes both national and regional news pertaining to health care, provides new audio and video every couple days on different relative topics, lists events and photos of nurses, gives a rundown of how politics affect health care, and even has surveys and contests for the members of this nursing community. That is just a few of the awesome things included in this website. The tweets that come from this page hit on different aspects of nursing, providing links to new publications on nursing laws and regulations, ways to continue your education, grants available for nurses, new ways to treat prevalent diseases, new medications, recalls and dangerous drugs, opportunities for CEU's, job placement, a quote of the day, and even a nurse's pet gallery. This page will help me keep up with current issues and find out about new treatment options or alternatives that are being implemented. It may even be able to help me find a job after I finish school. This twitter page is loaded full of credible resources and information that will keep me informed and knowledgeable, therefore helping me perform to the best of my abilities.
The final tweep I hooked up with is Nurses Association, whose tweets come from The American Nurses Association which is a national, professional organization that represents all registered nurses in the United States. This very important association has over ten thousand followers on twitter, and I'm sure an abundant amount of followers of their website,http://nursingworld.org/joinana.aspx . The ANA serves the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, helping to protect and promote the rights of nurses in the workplace, presenting nurses with a positive, clear, and realistic picture of what nursing entails, and by lobbying Congress and other regulatory agencies regarding health care issues that affect nurses as well as the general public. The information found on this twitter page is always going to be accurate and can provide links to find out about new laws, regulations, and expected standards of practice. Nurses are only human and therefore they make mistakes just like everyone else. However, if a nurse makes a mistake that causes harm to a patient or the possibility for harm, nurses can not only have their license suspended, restricted, or revoked but may also face legal charges as well. Knowing how to do your job according to the standards set forth by the Nurse Practice Act and the Board of Nursing is the best way to protect yourself from audits,lawsuits or even jail. This is probably the most valuable tweep I added and will use this tool to keep up on relevant topics associated with my career choice! !Tweets from @sealpn83/nursing-tweeps ">Tweeps
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