Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hello everyone, just wanted to share my twitter name, it is Sarah Andreen@sealpn83. Check out my tweets and I look forward to seeing everyone else's as well!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stick to Chicken

Last month, Chick-Fil-A's CEO, Dan Kathy, caused quite a commotion when he made anti-gay marriage statements on a radio show and also to the Baptist Press. My first thought was, who really cares what Dan Kathy thinks? But apparently a lot of people care, and it has caused protests all across America and multiple companies have come out to say they support equal rights for all such as: Microsoft, Nike, Google, Apple, and Starbucks. The question I want to ask Dan Kathy and the rest of the anti-gay movement is why do you care so much what other people do in their private lives? There are a lot of things people do that I don't agree, but what other people choose to do with their life is none of my business. I have heard many anti-gay marriage advocates say, "we need to protect the sanctity of marriage." The problem is, the sanctity of marriage is already questionable at best. We see celebrities, politicians, and other role models getting married and divorced on a whim, committing domestic violence, and infidelity all over television, magazines, and newspapers. There is no law preventing people from getting married 15 times if they wish, as long as they are a single person each time they are married. The bible does say that being homosexual is a sin, but it also says that we are all sinners. I believe that God teaches love and acceptance, not hate and intolerance. I think that Chick-Fil-A should stick to making chicken, and keep their opinions on political issues to themselves. I would hate to see what they do to gay chickens!